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First Friday Art Walk

COLOR CHOICES by Lee and Gayle Wilson

Please join Lee and Gayle Wilson at the Fredericksburg Art Guild, 308 E. Austin, to celebrate their

combined art at the First Friday Art Walk, November 4, 2022, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Gayle creates

arrangements of found objects on reclaimed wood while Lee’s medium is photography. The theme for

their show will focus on monochromatic pieces which both artists believe will assist the viewer to focus

on features such as line, shape, form and texture, rather than color. In contrast, they will also present

colorful and vibrant pieces - all designed to encourage viewers to consider how color and its absence

contribute to works of art. Their work will be on display through November 27. Lee and Gayle often

combine their talents on other art works, such as the whimsical painted birdbaths, birdhouses, and

peace poles they sell through their business, Bobcat Ranch Workshop in Fredericksburg.

September 2

First Friday Art Walk

February 3

First Friday Art Walk